Well, where do I start? Many of you have e-mailed me, wondering why in the world we "dropped off the face of the map"...
I really didn't want to go into it all here on such a public forum, but after I was asked the wildest questions about what had happened to me, I thought I'd better just explain.
Right after my birthday the first week of September, I got VERY sick, and I mean sick. My symptoms were like the "flu on steroids", combined with abdominal pain, then jaundice and all that comes with that, along with FATIGUE that kicked my tail. It was determined after a lot bloodwork that I had Hepatitis E. I know, you've never heard of it. Well, I hadn't either. But, there is an "E" and it is wicked. You get it from contaminated food or water in Southeast Asia, or a few other places such as India and Africa. Soooo, as it turns out, "Li Ming" wasn't all I brought home from China! It literally put me in the bed for over a month. My sister came in from Cincinnati to take care of Macy Li and me. It took a lot of friends and family to pull me through it. Boy, did "Mr. Mom" spin some serious plates for a while, too!! Man, I never knew he was so domestic! He can bathe a baby, get a meal together, crank out some laundry, wait on me, clean up puke, clean a big house, keep up with 3 boys, coach a football team, and fix some teeth like no other! (Now, we won't mention "monitor homework" b/c it seems he might have forgotten that one, but we'll let him slide I guess). I'm almost completely well now, thanks to so many prayers by so many of you. Friends and family jumped in and served us in so many ways. My 4 boys say a big "thank you" to all of you who brought over the wonderful meals for so long. Feeding these growing boys ain't no easy task, especially during football season, so BLESS you all who served us in this way! I can never begin to express my thanks adequately, but please know that every bit of it was a blessing and made us all feel so loved.
Until this, I'd never really experienced illness or dependence. I realized that I stink at both. The Lord has taught me so much through all this about my "I got it all under control" nature, otherwise known as pride. I'm really not comfortable being so needy, or being on the receiving end of so much "service." Very humbling. He is constantly doing a fresh new work in my life, and for that I am thankful.
Lastly, I want to say that Macy Li was worth every bit of this. I would never want to give the impression of "look what it cost me." I would get it all over again for her in a minute...TODAY. That was NOTHING compared to the incomprehensible gift of her! This child has to be the most precious little cherub on the planet, and we'd sacrifice anything for her.
Okay, with all this said, I haven't caught you up on 2 1/2 months of "dating to diapers"...........Well, it would be impossible b/c so much has happened, but I am working on my next post to bring you a peek into what we've been doing and how much she has grown and changed.
Thankful to be back and among the living! :)