Monday, July 20, 2009


Nolan gets his driver's license today! Williamson County is no longer safe! Seriously. Stay home. Nolan is our kid who was born for "near death" thrills! It's what he loves, and that and driving are a dangerous combo!

I can't believe this precious child is 16. His birthday was actually Friday, the 17th. Nolan has brought so much laughter and joy to our family. Things I love about this very special gift from God are that he is tender-hearted, daring, courageous, thinks outside the box, is seeking after God's approval and not that of man's, that he is a "deep well," he's wise, considerate, calm, is a thinker, relaxed and never in a hurry, savors the moment, looks for a "lesson" or "experience" in the simplest things, is open to new ideas and things, knows who he is and to Whom he belongs, loves Jesus with his whole heart, loves people of every kind, doesn't see the "unlovely" as others would, has a heart for orphans, has a heart for the nations, his million-dollar smile, how he calls me "Mama," his cute flat feet, how he's so appreciative of what I cook for him, how he loves and protects Macy Li, how he's a good big brother and good little brother, how respectful he is of his grandparents, that he thrives on "near-death-thrills," his adventurous spirit, his willingness to go with the flow even when it is SO not what he wants to do, that he's a giver and not a taker, that he recognizes how spoiled he is and yet he is so humbled by it that he feels guilty for it, that he turned 16 on Friday and hasn't mentioned/asked for/even hinted at wanting a car when we know he has to, I love how he only gets "torn up" over worthy causes, how he is not a gossip, his sense of discernment, his contagious joy, how he treats little children, his self-control, how he's cool under pressure, how he truly reflects the love and character of the Father is countless ways.....

I could continue that list all day, but I mainly want to say what a privilege it is to be his "mama!" He's a way-cool kid and everything good in him is Jesus; not us. We're just humbled to be his parents.

Nolan, you are a treasure. We truly see the fingerprints of God all over your life! We can't wait to see His plans for your life as they unfold!

Nolan, you are a jewel in my crown. You are a jewel in His'. You are loved with an indescribable love!

P.S. And readers, remember...Consider yourselves warned for today he hits the streets! :O


Gigi and Grandy in Katy said...

Thanks for updating. Happy Birthday, Nolan!

Musings from Kim K. said...

What a beautiful post. Enjoy this milestone. I can't even imagine my Emma driving someday. Maybe I'm glad I live several states away...hee hee.

Jodee said...

Wow! You must be one proud mama! Nolan sounds like a great kid! I hope he enjoys his new license!

Have a great week!

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Thankfully Kansas is far enough away that I should be safe on the road! Oh wait...I have a 16 year who is driving now also!

Aren't you so very thankful for our Christian young men? They totally rock!

Happy Birthday and HAPPY DRIVING to Nolan!

Jboo said...

What a sweet post! Your children are all so amazing and your love and theirs back to you shines through! That driving thing can be scary though!


Kim said...

I could totally see that this is him through the photos..
He is soooo handsome and loving..
Congratulations on raising a WONDERFUL SON..

jill said...

happy birthday nolan!!!!! i love your list about him ... and remember there's no way he'd have grown up this way without such Godly parents to follow!

Kim said...

Oh I love the way you love all your babies. What a precious post. I can hear your heart singing in every word! Nolan is a reflection of his Godly parents! Happy Birthday Nolan!

Andrea said...

lol, well good thing we don't live closer! ;o) Our Sami has her learner's permit, and that's scary enough!
Happy Birthday to your young man!

Dusty Brown said...

What a special tribute from his mama! I love your blog!

Learnin The Plan said...

Happy birthday

Kimberly said...

Hi,I love your blog so much.I just read this post out loud to my husband and we both agree that we'd like to receive your "How To" instruction booklet for raising a godly son.;) Yes,we know it's ultimately God's grace and mercy but you've got to be doing some things right too! :)

Amy tips are appreciated.

From a mama of almost 4 (8-boy,5-boy,3-girl, baby #4-?)