Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Macy Li !!!

personalized greetingsYep, June 30th, 2007 was a great day. My girl was born that day, or so they think. Since she was found on July 8th, 2007, they just estimated her to be about 8-9 days old, and so we go with it...Also, it was 5 months ago today that we brought her home from China! Wow, time has flown and our lives are so much richer. I'm sad that she's already this old, b/c I realize that she'll be packing up for college tomorrow. Remember I have one 18 years old, and one 18 months old. I intend to savor every single second. Happy Birthday, my precious Mingy!



Kim said...

Happy 18 months Macy Li...


Kim said...

I can't believe it has been 5 months..
Time flies you know that ...