Thursday, February 26, 2009


After school today, we cranked a little Keith Urban (Mommy's boyfriend...don't tell Daddy) up and got our groove on...

Groovin' with TyTy (who can sing as good as Keith, but Mommy doesn't have a crush on Ty)...

Here I am groovin' with my "Goggin"...


"The sun is shinin', and the road's a windin'...
through the prettiest country from
China to Tennessee!
I got the one I love beside me; my troubles behind me...
I'm alive and I'm free, who wouldn't wanna be me?!"

Macy Li

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Maggie O" Update

Macy Li and I went to see Maggie Oatsvall today and let me tell you, the "effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous" were quite evident when we were met at the door by Miss Spunk in all her turban-glory!  This kid is amazing.  Her God is REALLY amazing!  She is doing so well, and we were tickled to see her acting as if it were an ordinary day.  Wow.  This is not to say it's been a breeze on any of them, because it hasn't, but just to see her running around in her princess dress and being so joyful made me so happy and was such evidence of the power of prayer!...Here she is...

Please continue to pray for all of them throughout the coming months. They've got a long road ahead. And don't forget to pop over to their blog and get a couple T-Shirts!!

Bless you!

Covalent Bonds and Such...

Yep, you're right. That's DNA....Now, I don't know about you, but this makes me want to run and scratch my eyeballs out with a pinecone! Praise God these days are long over for this mama. But here's Nolan with his gum-drop/life-saver/twizzler DNA Model that he constructed late last night after we all got home from cheering on our Lions as they won in the District Championship! woo hoo!

And here's Macy Li at the game...

Life is good!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Calling All Prayer Warriors...

See this little angel?

Well, this is Maggie Oatsvall, the daughter of our sweet friends, Gwen and Scott.  Many of you know them from blog-land.  Anyway, this little thing needs your prayers.  To read about the details of the surgery she had yesterday, as well as the ones to come, you can go read their blog here.  In short, she underwent extreme burns in China before she was adopted.  They're not sure exactly what happened to her, or what was done there to "repair" her injuries.  However, she is missing a critical portion of her skull, has extensive scarring, and is missing a section of hair.  Her surgery yesterday was the first of several she will have to undergo over the coming months.  This one was to begin the "stretching" of her scalp so that it can eventually be opened up to graft in the needed bone.  (Gwen, if I'm slaughtering this description, I'm sorry.  Readers, you may be safer to go read this on her blog.)  Anyway, Maggie is coming home with exterior tubes attached to her head and it is critical that she, her siblings, and other kids leave these alone to prevent infection.  I'm just asking for prayer for these dear friends who are CHAMPIONS for the cause and call of adoption.  They have two biological sons, Jeremiah and Elijah, and their first adopted daughter, Emily, is from China.  Maggie, also from China, is their second adopted child, and they are currently planning to adopt 2 more children from Ethiopia as the Lord leads and provides...Which leads me to my next request...They are selling these shirts as a fundraiser to help with their adoption costs, so please visit their blog and buy a couple of these for yourself, or anyone else you know who has a heart for the orphan.  The proceeds will help bring home two more children to these incredible parents.  I'll keep you posted on Maggie. Thanks so much for covering them in prayer. Their precious family is a living example of the biblical mandate to care for orphans...

"Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me."  Matthew 25:40

Bless you, my friends!!

No Words Necessary


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Night-Night with Ty-Ty

Now THAT, my friends, is sweeeeeeeeeet!

A Week in the Life of Macy Li...

I thought I'd show you a few highlights from the past week of my tot-life in teen-land...

Last Monday and Tuesday, they were out of school, so our basement was hopping, and I, as usual, was not missing a beat..

Sayin' bye to our friend, Tannis, who came to visit from Louisville...

Then, there was Kindermusik, where I had to get my groove on...

Then, here I am chasing down my anti-social, scaredy-cat, who won't have a thing to do with me, and Dad hates him...

Me and my boa...

On the front porch one beautiful day with Mom and Solomon...

I cheered Peyton on at another of his basketball games...

Hangin' with Peyton and his buddies...

Valentine Fun with my cousins...

Tearing up Jack (again)...

Ty-Ty gives me coke...Shhh....

And just a few random fun moments from my week...

Well, there was a lot more, but Me and Mom are tired for now....We'll come back in a day or two and post some pics from Homecoming Week and TACKY PROM...Get ready! Whew...those teenagers!

Macy Li
