DNA is sooooo overrated! We are absolutely so in love with this little cherub that we are out of our minds. How could we love her any more just because she came from our gene pool? WE COULD NOT!
Today was our 2nd day in Nanchang; first whole day with Macy Li; and the day our adoption was finalized!
We woke up early and headed out for 3 offical appointments. The first was back to the Civil Affairs Office. This is where we got her yesterday. Again, our bus pulled up to a building you'd never suspect was "official" in any way. We made our 2nd walk down that "sketchy" looking alley to the entrance and up to the 26th floor again. Outside temperature: 900--inside temperature: 9,000! And we thought Beijing and Nashville were hot! We crammed into the elevators like sardines and went back to where it all started yesterday. What it did to our emotions was impossible to describe. After a little while, we were called back to a little office where we met with an official and had to explain why we wanted to adopt, that we would "never abandon her," that we would always love and care for her. We were asked about our dreams for her, what our educational plans were for her, questions about our own educational background, etc....These people are all business, but the lady was quite nice. She gave "Li Ming" an offical gift, which was a beautiful porcelain vase.
After we left the Civil Affairs office, we loaded the bus again and headed to our appointment with the Notary. Now, a notary in China is nothing like a notary back home. He is actually a judge, and is VERY stern and all business. I was a wreck. He asked us the same questions, kinda glared at us, snapped his questions, and "allowed" us to take a picture. You can see Maggie, our guide, standing at the end of the desk, interpreting every word.
Just a little sidenote about Maggie: SHE ROCKS! I want to take her back home with us. We're begging her to come to the States, and maybe we can coerce her to one day. She, like a Mother Duck, leads the way everywhere we go. We, like little ducklings, follow where she leads! Whenever we get "lost" or wander off, she comes running back to "gather" us back into her little brood. She is an interpreter, but she is also a great advocate. Whatever she's paid is surely not enough. We LOVE her! She works for an agency who contracts with the China Center of Adoption Affairs, and who our agency, America World, contracts with.
Back to our day....Our 3rd appointment was at the Police Station. Much to my surprise, this one was painless, and Macy Li got her official mugshot made.
After the Police Station, we were off to the Nanchang Walmart! SO weird! It was 2 stories and was, again, located in a building where you'd never suspect housed a Walmart. Since Nanchang isn't exactly a "tourist" type destination, there is NO ONE in this city who is not Chinese....So, you can imagine the stares we receive everywhere we go, but especially there!
After Walmart, we went to KFC! Yep, KFC! Strange, but these Chinese people love them some southern fried chicken! Since we've only had Chinese food up until this point, we were glad to get something familiar, and no chopsticks required!
After lunch, we came back to the hotel where we've finally had a chance to "nest" a bit. Macy Li took a 2 hour nap, slammed a bottle, pooped her first, and has been quite effective in letting us no that we are NOT to put her down for one second. She is SO OVER being an orphan!! Attachment is NOT going to be an issue here! This chick knows and wants her family! She's living the good life now, and she's not going to be ignored for a second! Who wants to ignore her anyway! She's the best! She is everything and more! Her little China eyes do "talk" as her Referral papers said!
Well, we're headed to meet the rest of the group in the "playroom" for a pizza party. All the kids are praising God for more American food!
I'm praising God for His indescribable gift!