Saturday, July 19, 2008

Beijing, Day Two

Today, we toured Tianamen Square, Chairman Mao's Burial Site, The Forbidden City, and the Emporers' Summer Palace which is on Kunming Lake. We took a short boat ride over and toured many beautiful gardens and courtyards surrounding it....These ornate buildings house centuries of history.

It must have been 900 degrees and it was a looong day, with a lot of walking. As we did, what was most interesting to me was to get up close and personal with the local Chinese people. They are such sweet people.

With the world coming in twenty days for the Olympics, China is definitely putting it's best foot forward. This is one amazing place. I could go on and on, but I thought these photos could speak a thousand words... The longer I am here, the more my heart falls in love with the people of my daughter's homeland...

Some of the very modern buildings below are "2008 Olympics" structures, including the "Bird's Nest"...very cool.

And perhaps the lightest moment of our day....this fellow we met at a pearl shop after lunch....I couldn't resist! I HAD to talk to him, so with my new friend, Bill Simmons from Cincinnati, we approached him as all our travel group laughed and snapped pics. (Notice mine and Bill's facial control! ha) He was visiting China from Romania, where he is a college professor of ancient writings! The funniest thing was that, here in a city of over 16 million people, who do we run into at DINNER but him again?! And AGAIN, with no shirt! We couldn't believe it.



It was a good day, and now we're even closer to Macy Li!


Unknown said...


I am so thrilled that you made it to China and that your trip there was free from difficulties. You are SOOO close to your Macy Li and I am lifting you and you sweet girl up to the Lord this morning. What a blessing it is for me to have the opportunity to pray for another family who is about to receive such a long awaited gift from the Lord.

What beautiful photo's I have enjoyed remembering our time in Beijing as I view the shots. China is such a unique and different culture...a heritage that will make your Macy Li all the more beautiful.

Thanks for sharing!



Daddy's Girls said...

Oh my word---was not expecting to see that!! HeeHee! Great pictures of your day! I have been thinking about you all every moment, I almost could not sleep for thinking about what you were doing at each moment since it was day time for you all----Macy Li is tomorrow night for us! Yeah!!!!!!! Love ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing those scenic shots of Beijing.
Following your trip, I remember lyrics from Neil Young's song: " I cross the ocean for a heart of gold ". Hope that Macy Li deserves your love , that she will be a heart of gold for the family .

Kim said...

How fun!!!!
Your pictures are beautiful...
Looks like you are really enjoying China....
Love the guy with now shirts....
YOu are getting closer.. Can not wait to see little Macy Li in your arms..

Gwen Oatsvall said...

I am loving your pictures ... It brings back many memories ... Drink it all in and commit it to your memory and your heart !!! I can't wait for GOTCHA DAY !!! praying here still !!!