Sunday, August 3, 2008

Burnin' the midnight oil...

Well, here I sit at 3:15 in the morning, for the 4th morning in a row, in my dimly-lit kitchen with the sweetest little angel in the world on my lap. Despite our valiant efforts at keeping her awake all day so that she'd sleep all night, she is nevertheless trying to transition from a 13-hour time difference. And so are we.

I have to say that I might just start setting my alarm clock and making this a part of my daily routine, however, for these just may be the sweetest moments of my day. She sits here, all comfy in her little jammies, smelling sweeter than honey, playing with my hair, looking up at me about once a minute just so that she can be assured I'm still here I guess, and when our eyes meet again, she bursts into the biggest grin that is sure to "break" her face should it get any wider. She whispers the most angelic coo this side of heaven. Her "morning breath" is delicious. Her soft little cheeks must be sore from all my smooches. Her little belly is full, and there is a never-ending pair of arms just begging to hold her. The half-eaten, drool-covered Saltines lay all around us on the floor. I hand her another, and the look of adoration with each one melts this mama's heart.

Laundry is piled up, just-bought groceries cover my kitchen island still needing to be put away, toys are strewn everywhere, flowers need to be watered, dishwashers need to be emptied, China-stuff still needs to be put away. My house is trashed with empty Gatorade bottles and pizza boxes from countless teenage boys who make this their home away from home. Speaking of them, almost-grown boys sleep all over my house, and their cars line my driveway....What's so wonderful is that I don't even care! I LOVE it! With an almost 18 year old under my roof, a 15 year old, and an 11 year old, I'm accutely aware of something an older, wiser woman told me after Tyler was born, and that is: "The days are long, but Honey just remember, the years are short!" And boy, was she ever right!

So, sitting here jet-lagged and sleep-deprived, with accumulating messes all around, I'm thanking my great God for this moment...for tomorrow it will be gone, leaving in it's place something I have traded for it. I want it to be gain; not loss.

Thank you, Lord, for Macy Li! Thank you, Lord, for my entire amazing family who keep me focused on what and Who is really important. Thank you, Lord, for the way You use children to show us Your kind of love.


Anonymous said...

what precious times you are in. my oldest is turning 18 this week, and i also think the days are long and the years short. the jet lag WILL end in less than two weeks. you will survive it. trust me, i've gone through it more times than i can count. but, just think of all of the 3 a.m. memories you are making. wow!! you are so blessed. God is good!!!!!

Denise said...

I remember those first few days home from China. Being so tired, but so in awe of what a huge blessing God had given us...and how quickly time passes. I have been trying to enjoy every moment!

Thank you for have a beautiful way with words~

Musings from Kim K. said...

What a wonderful post. Sounds like you are doing everything right by taking care of yourself and family as you get settled back home again. Continued blessings.

jennifer said...

What a wonderful post. With three boys of my own, I strive to enjoy and embrace every moment. Easier said than done alot of times. Thanks for sharing this and reminding us what is truly important in life.

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful Mom; Savor each moment because dust and dirt will always be there. Your words are a daily inspiration to me.

Deb said...

What a beautiful post! I too remember those first few week of adjustment......and how things that we once important... no longer mattered! Enjoy every you said that are so "precious"! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Kim said...

Beautiful post..
You are sooo right..
I have 3 that are starting high-school tomorrow..
And boy have the years gone by..
They are growing up..
It is truly amazing..
Every day is sooo short..
Thanks for reminding of the great things in life..

Jboo said...

Seem to recall it taking us a good 2 weeks to get past jet lag and feeling human again. Hope it goes faster for you and your family. Take it easy. What a little blessing you have there -- you are one lucky Mama. Enjoy!


Bamawhitney said...

What a sweet post, With only one little one of my own, I can't help but to miss our little 2am meetings everynight. I even miss the diapers, the bottles, etc. Tie just goes too fast. Enjoy every moment with all of your gifts from God!

Anonymous said...

Rhonda- I dont know if you remember me but this is Maris used to be Wainright :) I found your blog and I want to tell you how encouraging it has been to me! My husband and I have a huge heart for adoption and we are in the process of domestic and will be chosen any day now!! I am so excited for you and your family! I would love to hear from you!
I can't believe how grownup your boys are!! :)

Anonymous said...

So happy, happy! Savor each moment. This empty house is not as much fun as the full one was!

Rock and cuddle that baby!
Feed those boys because one day you will buy copious amounts of food out of habit and they won't be there to eat it!
Much love, Connie S.

Lisa said...

I've so enjoyed following your journey to your daughter!! You have such the right attitude! I love that saying about the day's being long and the year's being short, it is so true!!!!

I think it took us about 2 weeks to get back on US time. It's special time right now with your sweet baby!! I'm officially a daily reader of your blog, it's wonderful! You have a beautiful family!!!

Kim said...

This is truly inspirational...the things that are important for today are all you need to do...just savoring this wonderful gift and counting your blessings! The house will always need cleaning as long as children are in it, so I am learning right along with you what is really important in this have summed it up beautifully!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful post. As a mother of two sets of twins (4yrs. and 17 months), the days often seem very long for me. So it is a great reminder of how we need to cherish each moment with them. The years do go by fast!

So fun to read about your family. You are truly blessed!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your sweet perspective at such early morning hours. I needed that reminder. Hud, Han and I are down sick. Lesli is working like a mad woman. Our little man is absolutely wonderful, but I haven't found so much joy in the midst of sleep deprivation as I should.

Bless you!