Monday, June 2, 2008

Am I on "Candid Camera?"

Well, I seriously was expecting some substantive rumors of referrals by now. Typically, by the end of the month, or first of the next month, there are at least rumors floating out there in "adoption cyberland" that CCAA has either sent them, or that agencies are expecting them soon, etc. Nope, nada, not a word! By this time each month, we at least have an inkling due to what's happening in Europe (they receive them a couple days before we in the US). Of course now that it's our month, there is an unprecedented rumor-draught! So I'm wondering..........Am I on Candid Camera? Seriously.

My stomach's been a little queasy since Saturday night....maybe it's this wild ride we're on!


Kim said...

Praying you will hear something soon. It is such an anticipating time for your family, I'm sure --but, what joy will come as you finally see your baby's picture!

Cindi said...

If you're on Candid Camera, then I'm standing right there with ya. Surely we'll be off this ride soon!
Slowly entering blogland, just getting my feet wet,
Cindi from your adoption group.

Adele said...

Oh wow, how exciting to be next!!! I pray that you will get some news soon. We have only been logged in a little over a year and I am so discouraged. I am glad to hear that someone is next!! That's progress!
I am not private yet so come on over and visit me again at my blog. :)